Friday, October 01, 2004

Moned med. terminid.

OK leila ja ka teised kelle jaoks ANC ja TPN ja muud meditsiinilised terminid mitte kui midagi ei ytle. Yritan nii lihtsalt seletada kui suudan :) Kuigi teen seda

ANC: Absoluutne ( spetsiaalset tyypi)valgete vereliblede count. Kui alla 500 langeb siis on patsient( voi kes iganes) igasugustele bakteritele avatud ja voib poletiku saada isegi siis kui sorme lutsib ja sormel on mingi vaike bakter. Norm on 500-1500 -8000

TPN-TPN: Total parenteral nutrition, intravenous feeding that provides a patient with all of the fluid and the essential nutrients when they are unable to feed themselves by mouth.

PNET-PNET: Primitive neuroectodermal tumor. One of a remarkable group of tumors that originate in cells from the primitive neural crest and share the same reciprocal translocation between chromosomes 11 and 22 and the same patterns of biochemical and oncogene expression. Some PNETs occur in the brain while others (the peripheral PNETs) occur in sites outside the brain such as in the extremities, pelvis, and the chest wall. PNETs in the brain can arise in the cerebral cortex or the pineal gland (pineoblastoma). The peripheral PNETs are part of the Ewing family of tumors which includes: Ewing tumor of bone; extraosseus Ewing tumor (tumor growing outside of the bone); primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET), also known as peripheral neuroepithelioma; and Askin tumor (PNET of the chest wall).

Ma kyll vastan enamus kysimusi inglise keeles just selleparast et ma olen need asjad enda jaoks selgeks teinud inglise keelde ja on vaga raske Eesti keelde ymber seletada . Kui tekkib veel kysimusi pange aga kirja.


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